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Cash in Your Closet – Trade in your clothes

by on November 11, 2011

Open your closet door. What do you see? A favorite dress, some nice shirts, your shoes, a few random items you shoved in there to get out of the way, and a few items that don’t really fit or you don’t really like but they’ve just been hanging there so long you’re used to them? That’s what my closet looks like anyway  – or it did until I cleaned it out for cash.

If you have clothing that is still in good condition, but you just don’t wear, it’s the perfect candidate to take to a thrift store or clothing exchange. It’s easy enough to do: just find a store near you, pack up a box or bag of clothes, and take them to the store.

The store employees will go through what you brought and decide what they’ll take based on the needs of the shop. They’ll then make you an offer on what they’re interested in. Anything they don’t want is your responsibility once again as is anything they do want but you won’t give up for what they’re willing to pay.

You won’t get a lot of money for your old clothes, but it’s still a great way to earn a little extra pocket change from items that would otherwise be collecting dust and taking up space.

In addition to clothes, you can usually sell jewelry, shoes, purses, and other accessories.

Some thrift stores also offer a better value if you choose store credit instead of cash. This can be a great way to clean out your closet and refresh your wardrobe. Take a few things in, bring a couple things home, and spend little or no cash.

If you have friends of a similar size, you could also have a clothes and jewelry trading party. Ask everyone to clean out their closet and bring over their best unwanted threads, open a bottle of wine or two, and dig through the piles of clothes to find what you like. If not all the items find a home, you can still sell them to a thrift store or donate them after the party.

From → Budget Tips

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